Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mommy & Sophia

Lounging Around

It's going to be an interesting 3 weeks. Daniel leaves for Australia today. Luckily Julie will still be here so that will be a HUGE help. Three weeks by myself and I might not have had any hair left when he got home! Sophia is actually taking an afternoon nap so I had a little time to blog. We've been night sleep training and nap training. We're on day 3 and I can already see some big improvements. For instance, she was awake when I placed her in her crib this morning for her morning nap and she feel asleep by herself. That doesn't happen. I've been letting her "cry it out" at night and the first night I did, she slept from 9:30-5:45. First time she ever slept through the night. Last night she fell asleep at 7:30pm and slept till 2:30am. Played till 3:30am by herself in her crib--cried and went back to sleep at 4:00am. Things are looking up. I still think there is a long road ahead but things are getting better. They can't get much worse!

Sophia LOVES sitting up. If you have her in your lap facing out and let her grab your fingers, she'll pull herself up into a sitting position and sit there forever. She sat in her bumbo seat yesterday for 45 mins--unassisted. We're always there in case of a head bob, but she's been doing extremely well. She'll be ready for solid food before I know it. I'm going to try and hold off until Daniel gets back home so he can see how messy a baby can really be!

In other news, my brother and his wife are due to have a boy in November! He's the one that was just in the bodybuilding competition (his pic is below). We are excited that Sophia will have a cousin soon. I think they'll enjoy playing together.

Hope everyone is doing well. I'll have more time to keep this blog updated if she continues to take naps!

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