Saturday, November 30, 2013

I think I can, I think I can...

We all make New Years resolutions at the beginning of every year and try to uphold them (until February 1 at least)--I am making mine earlier this year.  I can going to try my best to blog more often and keep the people that care more updated on our happenings.  If you don't know me, I LOVE food.  Not like in a "I like to eat food" kind of way, but I have dedicated my life to food.  Being a registered dietitian means you think about food ALL the time.  I love to create, enjoy, and share the foods I make.  So my goal is to share the foods I make with our readers.  All the foods I share will be real, whole foods.  Nothing that requires ingredients I can't pronounce or difficult to find.  We eat a vegetarian diet at home so all my food posts will be vegetarian.  I can only hope to inspire people to eat good food at home.  I'll also throw in some crazy parent-of-young-children stories too to make you laugh.  Nothing is more comical than watching your 3 year old throw herself on the floor over giving her the "wrong" fork.  I can't wait to see what life with a toddler round 2 brings when Ben becomes of age to throw himself on the floor.

Anyway, the moral of my story is stay tuned because life is about to get very interesting around here!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

2012 & 2013

I don't think Sophia will be wearing this one in 2014, but she has been a lion the past two years:


Trick or Treat



Rachel as a Mombie (Mom Zombie):


