Friday, February 24, 2017


Ben explaining dogs to Daniel: "Have you ever seen a pug?  That's the kind of dog with a poop emjoi tail."

- August 8, 2020

Ben after seeing the show "Self Made - Inspired by the Life of Madam CJ Walker" on Netflix: "Is that Madam CJ Walker? She’s an African American who did cool hair products and died of old age."

- March 21, 2020

Ben to Grandma Jan after seeing a chair fall into the lake: "I hope it has a good day swimming for the rest of its life."

- March 20, 2020

Ben to Grandma Jan:  "I'm smart. I know how much 100 plus infinity is. 600....I think"

- July 4, 2019

Sophia sneezed while holding Ben's mask. Ben responded: "Sophia! You blessed you on my mask!"

- July 2, 2019

Grandma Jan told Ben that he woke up crying one night and he slept with Julie. He responded: "I didn't even hear myself"

- July 1, 2019

Ben, referring to his freckles: "I like these sprinkles on my face."

- February 16, 2019

At an NC State Basketball game, Ben watching the dancers on and said:
Ben: "Mom. I'm going to marry all of those girls."
Rachel: "They will be too much older than you to marry them."
Ben: "Then I'll marry other dancing girls."

- December 20, 2018

Ben was pointing out the people in a picture he drew:

King Daddy
Queen Sophia
King Ben
Tiny, nothing mommy
- December 9, 2018

Ben to Grandma Jan: "I'm not going to marry you............ever."

- November 20, 2018

Ben (on his way to bed) to Amy: "Have fun with the baby waking you up all night."

- November 19, 2018 

Grandma Jan to Ben: "You can take home as many happy meal toys as your age"

Ben to Grandma Jan: "Sorry. No. That's not gonna happen." 

- November 19, 2018 

Ben to Julie after coming up from sleeping in the basement: "Julie...again Sophia went upstairs without her telling me. Is this gonna go on every day?"

- November 18, 2018

Ben at dinner (after hearing Sophia talk about reincarnation) - "When I die, I want to come back as a bull so I can buffalo people."

- September 30, 2018

Ben during a power outage: "What happened to the elect chickedity?"

- September 10, 2018

Ben (anytime he's trying to distinguish between Grandma Jan and Grandma Cricket: "Is that the grandma who lives in the mountains or who doesn't live in the mountains?"

- August 23, 2018

Ben everytime he sees a new dog - "That's a new vision of Merlot!", if it's a small dog - "That's new vision of Bullet!", if it's a large dog.  Occasionally, he will use "version" instead of "vision".

- July 29, 2018

Ben: "Daddy, is my lamp magic?"

Daniel: "Why do you think it's magic?"
Ben: "It turns off by itself."
Daniel: "No, I turn your light off every night when you fall asleep."
Ben: "Ok, I thought my lamp was magic."

- April 15, 2018

Ben: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Daniel: "I'm not sure, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Ben: "I want to be a police dog."

- March 1, 2018

Ben (anytime he's trying to distinguish between Grandma Jan and Grandma Cricket: "Is that the grandma who lives in the mountains or who doesn't live in the mountains?"

- February 20, 2018

Ben excitedly exclaimed to Daniel - "I have a money shell!"  He had found a piece of a treasured sand dollar that Sophia and Grandma had been searching for during the trip.

- December 25, 2017

Sophia was dressed up as Clara Barton for school.  When Ben saw her, he said "Wow, Sophia, you look beautiful."

- December 21, 2017

Upon answering the phone to talk to Grandma Jan: "I like julie more better."

- August 5, 2017

"Hockey Pockey" - Ben's term for a walkie-talkie

- July 25, 2017

Ben to Tom about baby Emmett: "she's not real"

- July 4, 2017

Ben: Do we have a baby?
Daniel: No
Ben: Yes, we do! Amanda has our baby. 

- June 20, 2017

At Grandma's house waiting in the driveway as she came home: "Grandma grandma grandma, do you have some Julie for me?"  

- April 14, 2017

"Grandma, grandma, don't pick me up, I'm growing bigger."

- April 10, 2017 

During a thunderstorm, Ben told Rachel: "Mommy. This storm is loud at us."

- April 5, 2017

This was shared from a parent with discussion between Ben and her daughter:  "Listen Maya, I want to talk to you for a minute. When you grow bigger like my Dad..." 

- February 22, 2017

When Ben had a stuffy nose, he said "My nose isn't working."

- November 14, 2016

Daniel told Ben "You turned from my little boy to my big boy."
Ben responded: "No I didn't, but I turned from a little boy to Benny."

- October 29, 2016

Daniel asked Ben what the favorite part of his day was (we had gone to the park, visited a friend at their house, played outside, etc.).  Ben said "yogurt."

- October 2, 2016

Ben: "I love my mommy but my daddy's not here." (Daniel was traveling for work).
Rachel: "Do you love your daddy?"
Ben: "Yup, I love my daddy and my cissie (what he called Sophia)."

- Jun 24, 2016

Old Ben-isms (You Might Have Read These Before)


Ben to Rachel: "I'm going to get warm blankey cause feet cold."

- April 12, 2016

Daniel asked the kids what gifts the kids would like from Spain.  Sophia said she wanted another Spanish dress, while Ben said he wanted muffins (Daniel brought him back some muffins, as requested).

- Feb 29, 2016

Ben saw Daniel holding a toy he wanted, so he said:
      "Hey, that's mine......hey, that's mine!"
Daniel told him to ask with nice manners, so he responded with:
      "Hey, please, that's mine!"

- February 5, 2016

No matter who is on the phone, Ben says "hi Pop".

- September 16, 2015

Rachel was teaching Ben to say “mama” and he said it a few times.  Then Rachel told him to say that mama is the best and Ben said “dada.”

- June 1, 2014