Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy 4th of July (a little early)!

Daniel and I will be in Robbinsville for the 4th of July! I was listening to the radio this morning and people were calling in and giving their "opinion" of who we gained our independence from. It was interesting to me that no one really knew why July 4th was important. One person said we gained our independence from the French (are you really a citizen of this country?) and the others didn't know why it was called Independence Day. What a nation. We don't even know what we celebrate anymore. Well to those of you know who what July 4, 1776 really means--Happy 4th of July to you!

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately I am not surprised at your recent revalation. We have spent so much time concentrating on ourselves and what we can possess we have become oblivious to others and certainly our country. Funny, it is the country we live in that has given us the things we have that are most valuable, liberty and freedom. But many of us have just put these things aside and assume that they are a given right we have always had. They were given to us by the sacrifice of our forefathers, but that has been forgotten by so many in this country and there will come a time where there will be consequences for our nonchalant attitude toward our country and what it stands for. The leaders of the past must be astonished by the "leaders" of the present.
